St Andrews Episcopal Church is a welcoming faith community striving to be inclusive of all who seek to find a closer relationship with God. We encourage participation in the ministries of worship and music, Christian formation including Sunday school, pastoral care, outreach and parish life. We provide many opportunities for Christian fellowship such as coffee hour after each of our two services, potluck dinners, teas, and special celebrations that encourage communion and build community.
We are led by our Rector, the Rev. Z. Mark Smith who teaches and encourages us to seek Christ in all whom we encounter. This coupled with our volunteerism and outreach opportunities form our essential mission to help our community flourish.
Whether it is fund raising through yard sales and catered luncheons;
Twelve-step programs meeting weekly in the parish hall;
Participation in WARM (a week providing shelter and two hot meals during cold months);
The Angel Tree Project (a partnership with the Department of Aging and Human Services that provides gifts to needy families);
Contributions to the food pantry;
Our campus Thrift Shop, open several days a week to the community, providing excellent quality goods at reasonable prices;
Partnering with the Head Start Early Childhood Program, as they utilize a classroom facility in our parish house;
Partnering with a local elementary school to offer inter-generational opportunities - there is something for everyone!
Who are we? We are a parish family striving to be the hands and feet of God, intent on enriching the community we serve.
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