Ryker Hurst, Bernice Nunes, Chase Phifer, Phyllis Doughty, Angelica Wilkinson, Jan Barnes, Jonathan Tanner, Stuart A. Wood, Gloria Gehrig, Robert Bennett, Judy Cavin, Kyle Patrick, Tegan, Billy Doughty, Judy Consoli, Brian Gardner, Isabella Tenczar, Elinor Mattingly, Diane Rudish, Carol Brimm, The Mattingly family, The Girard family, Lanette Cowles, Helen Rotzinger, Lisa Powell, Alice Snyder, Salty Joyner, Rev. Michael, Susan Geary, McKenna Cox, Dee McRae, Kenda Parker, Noel D & family, Susan Hogan, Grace Billingsley, Becky Frazer, Gretchen Frazer, Artie Miller, Melanie Baisley, Terrie Leonard, The Willett Family, Donna Carter, Judi Donnelly, Laine Doggett, Caroline Bradford, The Blackwell family, Marilyn Crosby, Ash Chandler, Jane Roderick, Annamaria Pache, Jennifer Ceriale, Pam Baake, Willy Hansen, Ellie Preta, Greta Johnston, Donnie Carter, Ruby Dyson, Barbara Lorton, Michael Birch, Art Carson, Keith Johnston, David & Natalie Reed, Thomas Leonard, Ruby Dyson, Taylor, all first responders and all of those serving in the military and their families.
September 15, 2024
17th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am -
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:30 am -
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Choir is back in full voice!
Choir practice begins at 9:15 am in the rear of the Church.
We welcome newcomers and are seeking additional voices to join the adult choir. Stay tuned for the Music Worship Schedule.
Come and sing with us!
Resumes for children Pre-K through elementary school, Sunday September 8th.
Students will leave prior to the readings and return at the sign of the peace.
To join the fun contact Joyce Austin at jmphifer@yahoo.com
Resumes next Sunday the 22nd. Grab a coffee or tea and join Rev. Mark in the Founder's Room, between services at 9:15 am for insight and discussion.
We are seeking people to teach and assist with Sunday School on a rotating basis. All materials for each lesson will be provided.
Please contact Joyce at jmphifer@yahoo.com
A 5th Sunday potluck coffee hour will be held on Sunday, September 29th. Each person or family is invited to bring one food item to share. We hope you'll be there.
The fourth quarter's coffee hour sign-up sheet has also been posted in the Parish Hall.
Thank you for considering your participation in our ministry of hospitality. If you have any questions, please chat with Margaret or Hal.
Starting in September, Rev. Mark will begin a Healing Service at Noon on Wednesdays starting September 11th. It will be a simple service of scripture, prayer, time for reflection and anointing for those who wish to receive. Feel free to bring your joys and sadness, prayers for yourself and others and, most of all for this beautiful, broken world we inhabit.
Begins Tuesday, September 17th at 1 pm and will continue each succeeding Tuesday We will begin our study of Luke's gospel. Please bring something to eat (for yourself), some snacks will be provided. Spend an hour with us and the texts we want to understand more fully. No preparation required - see you then!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 14th at 5:30 pm. The theme will be Appetizers and Wine. Join us!
Please wear your name badge to allow Rev. Mark time to associate our wonderful faces with each name! Badges can be returned to the basket on the large L shaped side table as you enter the Hall.
As we return to our normal service model, more pieces happily fall back into place.
With that in mind, we are forming Usher Teams for the 10:30 service. If you are interested in joining us, please email the parish office at parishadmin@standrewsleonardtown.org
Do you need flowers for an anniversary, birthday, or remembrance?
Arrangements are $60 and you can place your order at parishadmin@standrewsleonardtown.org
After ordering, you may use the Paypal feature on our website or you can drop a check in the offering plate.
We are seeking volunteers for the establishment of a Building and Grounds committee. The scope of the committee will be divided among 3 major functions.
-Maintenance and restoration of the church
-Care and management of the lawn and cemetery and
-Maintenance of the parish hall
All talents are needed including management and documentation, strategy/advisory, and hands-on working. We appreciate any time you can offer! If interested, please respond to parishadmin@standrewsleonardtown.org
Thank you all for your generous and wonderful spirit. The supplies were greatly appreciated! We will keep in contact and revisit additional supply needs at the start of the 2nd semester.
Our calendar is now online!
To add an event, please email admin@standrewsleonardtown.org
To view the calendar click above under Parish News & Ministries or https://standrewsleonardtown.org/parish-calendar
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